Here are some funny moments brought to you from my days liaisoning for the LITs at Adventure camp.
The first funny moment occurred yesterday as I ate dinner with the discovery kids (the youngest age group at camp). I sat next to a little boy, Elliot (some of you may know him), and as we waited to be served dinner, Elliot decided that he would turn into a giant whale that was going to eat me (with his arms acting as the whales mouth). All was fine. Ha ha, I'm getting eaten by a whale, a moment for a particular bible story to be shared, but he didn't care about Jonah... Anyways, I learned as I was being eaten by Elliot the whale, that whales have SHARP teeth! Yes..... Elliot bit my arm. omg. And the proceeded to begin pinching me as well... I never knew whales had sharp teeth and pinchy little nails. Ouch!
Funny story number two comes to us as I lifeguarded free swim time at AC. I was guarding the iceburg (a big blow up climbing device in the water) from a paddle-type boat. This one boy (maybe 7 years old) climbs to the top after having a difficult time getting there, and once at the very top he announced loudly and in a panic that he needs to pee right then and there. Okay... you would think that the easiest solution would be to slide down the iceburg and just pee in the lake... not so. I tried to get the kid to do slide down and either pee in the lake or run to the washroom, but he wasn't having any of it, apparently he wanted to majically apprear in a washroom... well we eventually got him to slide down and get onto the dock. But because his counselor (LIT actually) had to wait for the othe boys to get out too before he could take this boy to the washroom, the counselor suggested, along with my support, to just jump back in and pee in the lake. Well this kid thought that peeing in the lake was a dreadful sin. These are the words that came out of his mouth. "If we love God, then why would I ever pee in the lake?!" heehee. So cute and funny. He'll be quite the environmentalist when he grows up if he thinks its a sin to pee in the lake. The LIT that was with him tried to explain that God probably doesn't care, but this kid was not going to have any of it. He then said "so what you want me to do is pee my pants in the lake?". At this point I encouraged the LIT to hurry up and run this kid to the washroom. It looked like this little boy didn't have too much strength left to hold it in as we have a theological discussion about peeing in the lake. But this is what the LIT said to the boy, "I'm sure God doesn't like it when we pee in lakes, but He loves us anyways". hmmm.. What a line.
Adventure camp is a funny place to be. I'm looking forward to more humorous moments over the next week!
On Water
13 years ago
Very Funny. I give this post an A.
Still on for Counseling Adolences and their families Wednesday night?
I'm there.
You had an adventure at adventure camp?
Har har.
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