Sunday, June 28, 2009

Ramblings from a bored little soul

So I'm incredibly bored today... It's a rainy Sunday afternoon. I have a lot of things that I could do: write my final paper of the spring, wash the dishes, go for a misery walk in the rain. But I rather not do any of those. So I will ramble here instead.

Here are somethings that I have been thinking of recently...

- In the past few weeks, there have been a number of people ask me where I see myself working in a few years from now and what is my vision for my future. Every time they ask me I get this stunned look on my face and try to answer them with an answer they want to hear. They want to hear that I have it all together and that I have a solidified plan for the fall and the future. But in reality, I have no clue. There are a bunch of things that would be fun to do and I have an overall general idea of the kind of things I would like to do with my life, but when people ask me... I don't have a very good answer to give them. Some may think that is not good and that I am unprepared. I would like to think of it as a lesson in trusting the Lord. Ya I should get on a few things for the fall specifically, but right now, I am content with being open to the endless options that are in front of me. I am content in not knowing, but knowing that the Lord already knows. People can think what they want of me, but what I know is that the Lord is in control, and that is all I could ever ask for.

- In other news, Chris and I are heading to camp in 6 days! Yay! This year I get to be a small group leader 1st session and be part of the Faithfully Improvising the Christian Story (FICS) teaching team for the 2nd session. The FICS role is a new one for me. I'm really excited to teach the bible and theology to a bunch of teenagers, but a little nervous at the same time. Should be a good growth opportunity for me. Chris says that growth opportunities are the best. Both Chris and I will try to find some time to blog about our camp experiences throughout the summer.. so stay tuned in.

- The other day I was riding my bike in the trails of TO and I came too close to comfort to riding over a poor little chipmunk. Thankfully his little legs moved fast enough to miss my tire by a centimeter, but still... it was a bit traumatizing. I wouldn't ever want to hurt a cute little thing and have it explode under my tire. Yuck.

These ramblings are getting silly now... I still want to procrastinate, but I might try to finish this paper off (or at least start it). If you have actually read these ramblings, bless your heart. Peace out.

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Check it out

I am currently in the final stages of wrapping up my internship with Youth Unlimited. Part of my role as an intern was to coach a youth, Katy, to help her organize and run a coffee house fundraiser event. I really appreciated my time with Katy (who was also in my small group at LIT last summer!). It was great to see her grow in her strengths, abilities and in the Lord as we journeyed together this year.

I recently wrote a article for the LAUNCH blog site taking about my journey with Katy. You can go to to read it!