Thursday, October 26, 2006

our late night adventure...

Last night, myself, Jo, Megs, and Laura decided to embark on somesort of an adventure. It was late... maybe 11:30pm, so I was a little nervous about going out for a fun evening on the town. Im normally in bed by 11pm so this was huge for me. We threw around some ideas of what we could do, some good sounding, other ideas not so much. But we decided that whatever we would do needed to revolve around food of somesort.
So the idea was put forth that we should just hop on a bus and see where is takes us. This sounded like it bring about some intiresting adventures... so we did. As we walked closer and closer to the bus stop I said to the girls 'why dont we just go to Pizza Pizza or something'. They said to me 'where's the adventure in that?' I just didnt want to wait for the bus forever. I figured I didnt want to be a suck, so I went along with this crazy plan.
To my surprise, only about 5 minutes later the bus came. So we got on and the adventure had begun. It wasnt too long that we had rode down Young St. that we spotted our first destination. Open 24 hours, an All Day Breakfast Diner! I wasn't expecting that. So we got off and ran to the restaraunt. The food wasnt anything special... but it was good because it was breakfast at 12:30am.
So we had finsihed our breakie and thought 'what should we do next'? The only logical thing to do was to find a Korean Karaoke bar. I really dont know what we were thinking. So we walked down Young St. a bit more and came to a section of the street that had 3 Karaoke places right next to eachother. We had hit the jackpot!... so we thought. We went into the first place where we were greeted by an older Korean man who quickly brought us into a small room with 2 couches, and a TV. What was going on? I was nominated to learn how to use this Karaoke machine that had 20,000 songs in it. He showed us ABBA, Celine, and P.I.M.P. Weird. I didnt really know what was happening. It was nothing that we had expected or wanted, so after 10 minutes of learning how to use this thing we told the man we didnt want to do it. He seemed a little upset. Whatever. I wasnt paying $20 to sing in a little room by ourselves. I can do that for free in my own room.
The two other places we went to were the same set up. I cant believe this is actually a big thing. Very strange. Anyways, we figured Karaoke was out of the picutre now, so what to do next. We figured to finish the night off like good Canadians, we would go to Tim's. Not like we needed anymore food in us... it was about 1:30am by this time.
And that was our evening/morning adventure in Toronto. A night full of randomness, but lots of fun, good stories, and bonding with friends. Who would have thought there was so much to do on a Wednesday night after 11pm? Try it out sometime. It's lots of fun.


Megs said...

touch my eyebrows...please

Hannah said...

Hey Nyssa!
Sounds like a fun adventure! Last year, Elea, John Gordon and I had a similar experience at a Karaoke bar on Yonge street. Aren't they hilarious? Our wonderous evening involved a Korean guy locking us in a room and proceeding to rap in Korean to us..highly amusing!! Yonge Street is full of surprises. I also loved your blog on I saw some sitting on a big puddle here in Stouffville, and enjoyed them all the more thanks to you! Hope you're having a good weekend!

Hofman said...

Dang! Hannah beat me to it! I was going to tell you how we had gone to Korean Karaoke and how it is ridiculously hilarious!!! I wrote a blog on it - pictures included! You can check the archives if you like. Anyway, hope you're doing well! See you next weekend? I'm in TO Friday - Sunday. I'm going to catch the Friday night tip-off game at T-dale.

Hofman said...

Okay, so just in case you were DYING to read our Korean Karaoke Adventure it is in my March 2006 archive AND I thought I'd add that everyday I walk up a giant hill to Western and there are dozens of Canadian geese. Not quite your quaint little ducks but they FREAK me out! They're always honking and the other day the all started to honk and walk in uniform motion. I thought they were going to attack me. Plus they crap all over the sidewalk and I have to step through the nasty green maze. YUK!

C.D. Clements said...

Read your bible more.

Leslie Puiras said...

TAG-- YOU'RE IT. Go see my blog for details.