Saturday, October 21, 2006

a day out on the town

Okay... so I didn't take this picture myself, but I needed a reflective photo to intro my day out on the town.
Today I needed some down time. Some Nyssa time I like to call it. So I packed my bag and headed off to a day full of reflection, creativity, fun, and catching up with friends.
I was reminded today of how important it is to take time out for ourselves. Our lives can be so full of busyness. Whether it be work, school, friends, or just the busyness of our minds and hearts, we are busy people and we need some down time. So today was my time to take some down time.
Simply sitting on the subway listening to music and watching people interact was refreshing in itself. It was a time to relax and reflect. A time to be invisible, in a place where no one knows you, except you and God. It's an intiresting thought... to be in a place where there are so many people, but at the same time having the ability to be so alone. But alone in a good way... a refreshing way.
Another one of my highlights of the day was walking through Kensington Market with Caitlin. It's quite inspiring to see so many people with such creativity. But we're all creative in some sort of way whether we realize it or not. Because God is creative, and we're made in His image. That's another intiresting thought. What is true creativity? Anyways. Walking through Kensington was inspiring. It brought me back to the days of walking through the small African town of Bukoba. Everyone had their stands outside trying to sell their stuff. Having fruit stands on the side of the road. People filling the streets with no room for cars to go by. Everyone is just being. Having a good time, no regrets, and just loving life.
I think that this is a way of life that we need to learn how to live everyday even throughout the busyness of our lives. We need to learn how to just be. How to enjoy life and all the things that it throws at us. We need to understand how to not be so stuck up and serious all the time. Life is to be lived to the fullest. Not full of stress, anger and frustration, but full of love, joy, peace, and excitement. Life is a good thing... don't let it be a burden.
So those are my thoughts from the day. It was good day, and I would encourage you to get out there are do something that will refresh and energize your life too. It's well worth it.

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