"love, it's about putting others first". it seems pretty straight forward, and everyone knows it, but i really needed to hear that (read that) today (thanks dave). it's a small saying, but profoundly huge. its something that we can easily say, but when it comes down to it we struggle so much with it.
what would the world look like if we were to practice this? how would relationships be strengthed and built up and purified if this is actually how we lived? i would say that the world would be a completely different place.
so how do we, we as christians, live this out in our lives? how do we practically do this? well i was thinking about it today, and we really need to first of all quit focusing on ourselves and focus completely on Christ. read the gospels. we need to read and learn how Christ lived and then copy that. keep reading, keep praying, continue to surround yourself with a community of people that love God. forget about what the world says. dont listen to it anymore. surround yourself in Christ and what he has for your life... for the lives around you.
this is how we change. this is how we stop living for ourselves and start living for God and for others. surround yourself with Christ. whatever that means to you. do it. start living it. i tell myself this everyday. sometimes i fail, but because of God's beautiful grace i get back up. keep pushing further and further in with Jesus. he has such greater plans than we have for ourselves. he knows whats good for us. lets start then, today, to live in Christ. it is when we do this that we will see change in ourselves, how we see ourselves and others. it is when we do this that we can truly (going back to my first point) love others. putting them and God first, before us.
On Water
13 years ago
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