Tuesday, June 26, 2007

ugly fire in a beautiful community... let's help them out

Though this is already posted on Lewis' blog, I thought I would let people know as well. Last week the Simple Way community, a beautiful group of people in Philadelphia, were faced with a terrible seven-alarm fire of a neighbouring warehouse that destroyed surrounding homes, the Simple Way's community center, and more. If you want to learn more about the fire and what happened, click here.

It broke my heart when I watched this video. You see and hear of lots of devastating fires, but this one really hit me. These wonderful people have set up an intentional community and are doing great things for those around them and for the greater Kingdom, and now most of it is destroyed. But there is hope. They have big dreams and it's exciting to see how this community is going to being growing. If you want to donate and help these guys out in some way you can do so through Tony Campolo's site. They need to rebuild their homes and lives now, so if we can partner with and support them, let's do it!

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