Monday, July 10, 2006


death. it's a word that a lot of us are afraid to say. when we use it, it's almost as if we look over our shoulder just to make sure it isn't creeping up on us ourselves. but as christians, as people who have eternal life with our heavenly father, there is no need for such fear. for we have life everlatsing. life full of joy and wonder because jesus came and loved us.
these thoughts come to me because of a death recently. not that i really knew the guy. i had never even talked to him before. but he was in my grade back in high school. its so weird to think that even though i had absolutly no relationship with this person (i even had to look his picture up in the year book to see who he was), i got a bit shooken up. why is this? i cant even tell. but because i started thinking about this today, i started thinking about life. we cant live our lives fearing death. that is simply a waste of time. we need to focus on life today. life that we have been given by our God. we need to celebrate it. love it. live it. it's a beautiful gift, we need to live it to the fullest. live life in honor and glory for God. make your life mean something. what do you want people to say about you when your gone? think about it. then start living it. find meaning and purpose for your life. find jesus. live the way he taught us to. dont life life by yourself. we were given family, friends, a community around us. live for community. live in community. may your life be a blessing to those around you. and allow the lives around you be a blessing to you.

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