Maybe sometimes you just have to be patient. Wait for everything to just work itself out with time, experience, failures, triumphs, joys, and frustrations. What ever will be will be right? But with time added to that I guess. You can't force anything down the throats of those who don't want anything to do with what you're all about. When selfishness is met with newness and excitement... watch out! You as an outsider have no say in the situation at all. No matter how experienced in mind or deed you are on that very same issue, that person will not listen. Not until they get hurt. Not until they have had their fun and realize that the path they have chosen is not a glorious one. It is not holy... it is not righteous... it is not what they thought it would be.
If only we could stop people from going down a path that we know is not good. It is because of peoples pride and selfishness that they don't listen to us. It is so frustrating. And in the end, they aren't just hurting themselves, but they are hurting others around them. They are hurting the ones that they had originally intended to protect. So we, the originally intended, need to be patient in times like these. We need to show unending amounts of grace, love, support, and patience. No matter how hard it is, no matter how much we want to take the situation by the neck, no matter how much it hurts us on the other side, we have to extend the Lord's grace and patience. People will come around. With a lot of prayer and love and grace, healing can already begin in a situation that doesn't even know it needs healing yet.
On Water
12 years ago