Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Taking a stand for peace and justice

So I recently came across new initiative put forward by the founders of Invisible Children. Over the years I have appreciated the work that these three guys have done in order to raise awareness about child soldiers in Uganda and ultimately to seek freedom for these kids.
Their new project is called The Rescue of Joseph Kony's Child Soldiers. They have released a half hour video essentially describing what they have been up to the past six years, how history has been unfolding up until this time, and how they are trying to get the LRA to go for peace instead of destroying young children's lives. It is a movie that is both hopeful and heartbreaking, but will leave you with the sense that you've got to get involved as well.

On April 25, 09, they'll be releasing a new video describing the next steps that need to be taken in order to see freedom for these kids. I won't say much more about their most recent project, but if you have half hour to spare, go to their site, watch, be convicted, be heartbroken, be inspired to make a stand for these kids who have lost their childhood, and in a sense, their humanity. Watch it at

It might be something to consider.


Anonymous said...

if i am not mistaken, you might be thinking of uganda not sudan

nyssa ariel said...

whoops! my mistake.