Wednesday, April 11, 2007

On things that are great

So today Chris was telling me that my blogs were too long and that he didn't want to read something so long. So Chris, here is one specially for you... just cause I love you... and because you told me to.

Things that are great:

1. Chris Clements -> reason: because he apparently has "fresh and tasty breath" (not my words folks... his). This is not the only quality of his that makes him great though... there are many other reasons.

2. Almost being done school for the semester -> Only one more take home exam and I can pretty much write on what ever the heck I want.

3. Community -> a great thing to live in. Soon I'll be moving from the Tyndale community to the 11 Ruddington community. It will be a change, but looking forward to it!

4. Friends -> hung out at Christie's bridal shower tonight and there were lots of wonderful people there that I love.

5. My dorm -> they are beautiful and fun girls with lots of love for each other and the Lord. They put on a surprise dorm event bridal shower for me and Beth Gelyk. It was lots of fun and I was not expecting it at all because I was planning dorm event... and it wasn't supposed to be that.

6. Making fun of Ashley Saunders -> only because I love her. It's a very fun past time though...

7. Great music -> no particular reason... just like music.

This has been a random list of things that are great created because Chris told me to. I hope it wasn't too long for you to read Chris.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.